Refund And Cancellation Policy :
Any cancellations or amendments in the booking at any time before service date must be dealt with us by calling at 080-468-09107 or write us at [email protected]
Booking amount you pay also includes 10% booking administration charges which are non-refundable in any case.
All refunds will be strictly made of same credit card or bank account which was used to pay for booking.
SharpDrives may take up to 2 weeks to process refunds for cancelled bookings following the above process. Your bank may debit its own separate charges from refunds made to your credit card or bank account. The amount would reflect in your account within the below mentioned timeline.
7-9 business days for Debit Card.
15 business days or in next billing statement for Credit card.
4-5 business days for Net-banking.
If a customer is coming back to resume the services after 1 month, no refund will be applicable and customer need to make re-payment if willing to take service again.